Birthday blog - a month late!

Hey everyone!
I was supposed to write this on my birthday but unfortunately I have had a lot of things going on really - mainly personal and I haven't been able to blog recently because of that.

So on the 8th July of this year I celebrated my 27th birthday. 27! Bloody hell, I feel so old now :)

My nan was in hospital for 7 weeks and wasn't able to celebrate it with me. But on the whole I had a great time as I went away to Berkshire. I went away on the day before my birthday. As usual I had a Maccy D's when I got there. I can never say no to a Big Mac when I go away :)

The following day was my actual birthday and I ended up staying in a hospital car park for over 3 hours. My phone battery drained very quickly and was very bored I almost fell asleep - until the wanderer returned (My second daddy) and took me out for a birthday lunch at the Hungry Horse. The biggest surprise for me was when I got in and there was a card for me on the mat. From next door who gave me £20 as well and considering I hardly know her, It was very kind and generous. Was lost for words.

The very next day I met up with my bestie and she took me to see the Secret life of Pets. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it but I ended up laughing at it from the start. The price of Pic 'n' Mix though. I spent over £13 on a tub of sweets and £3 on a drink. It's too expensive but I expected it. I also spent a lot of money on clothes which I never normally spend a lot on clothes in one day except if it is Christmas or my birthday.  And £50 on Amazon. I have an addiction to that. And I spent a bit on hair dye. I dyed my hair red a couple of weeks after I came home. Not sure if I suit red or whether I should have stayed blonde. Let me know what you think...

The next day was the highlight for me. It was Sunday and I went to the MFA in Newbury to meet up with my friend Darren to have a game of bowling and to have a drink. I am pleased to say I finally won at bowling. Yay!! Wasn't so great at air hockey though. I bought Darren a drink before he went home. I miss him very much and I am seeing him again in December,

On the way home to Rotherham there had been a bad car crash on the motorway but my second daddy got home alright with no problems which I was worried about. His cat Marmite didn't seem to remember me like she usually does. She was sometimes wary of me.

Since getting back I have been wondering what I can do for my next Youtube videos but I have my next two blogs already lined up so watch this space...!!!
