New Birthday blog

Hi Bloggers
So yesterday was my birthday. That's come round quick! I was out yesterday and I decided to check my phone, I got a Facebook comment from a friend in America who wished me a happy 21st birthday. What I would give to actually be 21 again but my real age is 28. So in two years time I reach the big 3-0! Argh!

I don't take very many photos when it comes to birthdays now. Only a few which you can find on my Facebook page.  Here is basically a quick run down of what I got up to yesterday

Woke up to find my stepdads next door neighbour had once again sent me a card with 20pound in it which was kind of her to do. I walked it to the bowling alley which took me half an hour which wasn't bad timing considering it normally takes me approx 40-45 minutes to do the same route and that my foot was really hurting. And the weather, I can't cope in hot weather like yesterday.

My friend Daz, lovely guy. Thrashed me at bowling 3-0. We went for a carvery, there was hardly anyone in there, same as the bowling alley. I nearly choked on the remains of a pork cracking piece, I always seem to inhale at the end before I swallow. Stupid div! We went back to bowling where he once again thrashed me 2-1. It's his revenge for last times 2-1 and 2-1 which I beat him - and he thrashed me at air hockey too. Last time I beat him 7-0, this time he beat me I think 6-1. Played on the sweet machines, won some lollies for my stepdad, won myself some fizzy things,chewys and two white mice which ended up melted mice within 10 minutes. We then went for a drink which Daz wouldn't let me pay for. It was my birthday so I wasn't allowed to this time.

I am away from home until Thursday, I really needed this break away, I have had a really stressful and tough few months. I am looking forward to going for lunch in Reading at the Hungry Horse tomorrow and then off with my other friend to town to do some shopping on Tuesday. Hopefully I won't leave it months before I write a new blog :)
I haven't really been up to anything new, applying for housing out of Rotherham but they need to look at my evidence before they can validate it, which will take another few weeks. And trying to practise Scouse,Birmingham,South African,Welsh,Scottish and Australian accents. Failing at them except for Scouse and Welsh. Must try harder :)

Bye for now x
