An update

Hi everyone. Emma here!

I have not been on here at all very much recently. I haven't uploaded anything to my YouTube channel for two years and I have not blogged properly since my birthday. Anyway this is basically just a quick blog, just an update so you know that I have not disappeared and that I am still here

I am thinking of moving to Wordpress. My sister is on it and I think I may give it a try. But although I am seriously considering moving over to WP, I will still be keeping my blogger which my email address I am using for blogger I also use for YouTube...Not quite sure what that has to do with it or if me deleting my blogger and YouTube would mean my google+account would automatically go with it (I know my email address would remail) I don't know.

I have to relay some disappointing news. In early October after FINALLY breaking away from a no good,dead ended relationship I relapsed back in to self harm. As well as the end of my relationship, I was really struggling with my mental health,everything got on top of me and I just blew. So the next day I ended up telling my support worker about it who I had an appointment with. My sister was a little upset because I didn't feel I could talk to her at the time. I did explain why I didn't feel I could talk to her or my dad first. When I hurt myself I just could not cope at that time. I know it was stupid and I am now scarred but I do have a long history of mental illness and self harm,not that I am condoning or exusing myself.
I will be creating another post under an oldish blog 'Mental Health and Me' to explain more about my BPD and how it can affect me day to day.

I managed to get my mum a memorial headstone sorted after nearly 4 years. I am just glad mum will finally have an actual stone and not a wooden plaque which is basically coming away from her grave.

Finally I have decided to stop calling my Stepfather 'My Stepfather' and will be now referring to him as dad because he in my eyes IS my father. Sometimes I call him my second dad and although technically he is, he has been in my life for over 20 years. NO disrespect to the memory of my real father who died when I was two. I miss my daddy every day even though I do not remember him properly he will always be in my heart and mind. Each year that has gone by, my relationship with  dad has got better and I am very proud to call him dad and I feel proud he calls me his daughter. My mum would be delighted by my decision...and would also be delighted by another decision I have made. But I won't be shedding any light on what it is just yet. Some of my blood family have really let me down really badly recently and have hurt me,not only me but also other members of my family which has made me rethink my faith in human nature. So anyway that's me. Goognight and sleep well. X
