Autumn Blog

Hi Bloggers!
So I found this on my sisters blog who had found it on someone elses and I decided to use it  myself. Originally it was a tag blog but I have decided to use this as a normal Q and A blog instead. I like doing it that way. So let's go!
What signifies the start of Autumn for you?
As soon as the leaves start changing colour and falling from the trees. Also when the conkers fall and when it starts to get cold to the point where I need to wear my big coat. I love the feel of the air!
What is your favourite Autumn scent?
The smell of bonfire and fireworks both take me right back to my childhood. Also Spiced Apple is a gorgeous scent. I love Spiced apple and cinnamon air freshner which only comes out at Autumn and Winter time, 
What is your favourite Autumn colour?
Red,Orange and Yellow. I think those colours are great and go  together so well,especially in Autumn. 
Are you a fan of a PSL (pumpkin spice latte)?
I'm going to admit that I don't know what it's like because I have never tried one. I am not exactly a big pumpkin fan nor do I drink hot drinks except for soup so I wouldn't have one anyway :)
What is your favourite Autumn drink? 
I don't really have one. As I said in the previous question I don't drink hot drinks except for soup. Though spiced Apple sounds quite nice. 
What’s your favourite coffee shop and their drink of choice?
Either Costa or Cafe Nero as they are the only ones I have really been to. I usually have a mint or a strawberry cooler with cream. I adore them and I even managed to convert a friend from coffee to strawberry cooler.  
Apple pie or Pumpkin pie?
Apple Pie most definately! I have never tried pumpkin pie and it doesn't sound like something I could like or enjoy so apple pie all the way! With vanilla ice cream on the side. 
What TV show, new or old are you looking forward to in the next few months?
I am looking forward to the Christmas and New Year specials for Mrs Browns Boys. I watch them every year! Also,the Christmas and New Year episodes of the soaps especially Emmerdale and Hollyoaks. I am looking forward to Holby City and Casualty.  
What is your favourite Autumn fashion trend?
I don't really follow any trends. If I see something I like then I will go for it or I may mix up my outfits a little and wear a colour  or pattern I may not always usually wear. I have heard that Leopard print will be back in fashion and I own a couple of Leopard print tops. 
What is your favourite comfort food to enjoy in the colder months?
Pigs in blankets are something I really adore near Christmas, as I also enjoy Mince Pies,Yule Log,Sherry trifle,iced Fruit cake and Chocolate Orange. I also love McDonalds festive burgers and desserts too.
What is your favourite Autumn activity?
I really like going out at night when it is dark,putting my iPod on and going for a really long walk around where I live. I also like watching fireworks. I'd love to buy some sparklers again and use them. 
Are you a fan of horror movies?
No way. I can't take to them and I would probably leave the room after a few minutes
Do you ever do anything fun for Halloween? 
I am so boring I don't really do anything I tend to stay in and put some Halloween make up on and take a few pictures but I did enjoy going out with my mum and with my sister when we were kids. I remember my sister dressing up as a ghost and putting a sheet over her. I didn't dress up.
What was your favourite part about Halloween as a child?
Seeing all the kids dressed up and going out trick or treating with my sister and mum. 
Are you a bigger fan of Bonfire night or Halloween?
Even though I like both I actually prefer Bonfire Night. Mainly because I like the big fires and the fireworks. I like walking through the park with the fireworks in the sky. Sometimes people have bonfire events and are selling things like Glo-sticks,hot dogs,burgers etc, I love the smell of the hot food. 
Where is your dream destination to visit in the Autumn?
If I had a passport I would have loved to visit France. I like the sound of France. And I would like to go to London too. 
Do you always forget about the clocks going back?
I never forget as my clocks are nearly all digital and I usually change the manual ones within an hour. 
When do you usually start preparing for Christmas?
I start buying presents from August. I am quite organised when it comes to Christmas and I normally have bought all the inedible presents by November,the edible ones by Mid December,sent my Christmas cards by the end of the first week of December and started playing Christmas music by 1st December. My Christmas trees and decorations ar eup by the end of November. All my Christmas food is bought by the second week Christmas.  :) 
