Happy New Year - Goodbye 2018,Hello 2019

Hello and a very happy new Year to you all. I hope you are having a great start to 2019. I did - I got totally off my head on Vodka and bucks fizz mixed. My Goodness it was brilliant! The only let down is that I was on my own yet again. How boring. I let out 2018 by swearing and saying how much I am glad to see the back of it because for me, 2018 was not a great year. Not as bad as 2017 and 2013 but pretty bloody close!! I hope you had fun celebratting the new year. I didn't really do much on New Years Eve. I cooked a joint for today,watched a bit of telly and ate some left over chocolates. I spent the last few days of 2018 planning my ideas for January and making healthy eating plans and writing down ideas for what I could do in the New Year. I know that I really REALLY need to restrict my diet. I am now on an injection as well as tablets for my type 2 diabetes. I have been told that if this injection does not start to work then it's bye bye tablets and hello insulin.

I was looking through a magazines today and it gave me a bit of an idea. Normally I start making resolutions in December but I don't exactly stick to many of them. They're the usual 'Cut down on junk food. Exercise more. Eat more healthily' etc
So I decided to write a list of things I can do in January. Not resolutions but just basic things I can do. The magazine had a list of things that one could possibly do and I thought well that is a good idea - why not make some of my own. So here goes...(A couple of these I did nick from the mag - sorry :) )

1) De-clutter!

I tend to keep a lot of things such as magazines,my old cosmetics,old clothes,things I don't really need or want anymore. So I guess it is time to throw everything out which I no longer need. The last time I did this was 2016 when I moved from Rawmarsh to Herringthorpe and I got rid of so many books and CDs.

2) Induce colours and variety into my diet!

I haven't been very good when it comes to my diet. I usually consume a lot of things such as crisps,appletiser,diet iron brew and just rubbish that I should really only be saving for times when I really deserve it. One of my goals for this year is to lose 3 stone by my 30th birthday in 7 months. And I had the idea of introducing a 'rainbow' lunch. So red - Cherry tomatoes. Orange - Pepper. Yellow - Sweetcorn. Green - Lettuce/Cucumber etc, You get the picture. But also add maybe a slice of ham and a boiled egg, you don't want just a plain salad, that would be boring. But you don't want to spoil it by having a ton of chips with it either.

3) Find a hobby

Whether it's making short films for youtube,creative writing,glass painting,soap making or even going for daily/evening walks. If like me, you are unable to work due to illness and find yourself stuck at home doing sweet FA, then it might be good to find something to stop your boredom.

4) Be Bold!

During January and February people usually wear dark colours, Brown,black,Grey or Navy. I am guilty of this. But I read today in my magazine that research suggests that choosing to wear brighter colours may have a positive psychological effect on how we feel and behave. I do have some bright coloured tops and dresses but I don't wear them very much, and when I do it's usually just round the house. I wear a lot of white and black/navy. But I think it may be time to start getting my brighter coloured t-shirts and clothes out to wear. It may also bring my confidence out a little.

5) Make Myself Look Nice!

Usually I slob around the house with no make up on. I nearly always go out without make up as well but I believe I look a bit nicer and prettier with my eye shadows and lip matte on. I notice in my selfies that I look better with make up than without. My male friends have told me I look gorgeous even without the make up but if I wear it I do it for me, not men. I feel a little bit perkier with make up on because I feel in my heart that I look just a bit better. Confidence I don't have so it may be nice to gain some...

6) Learn the words to a song

There are a lot of songs that I love listening to that I don't yet know the words to. So maybe it's time to start choosing a song or two that I adore but don't know all the lyrics to and get it learned. It might be good therapy.

7) Grab some me time!

No matter what it is, going to a gym,baking,having a nice relaxing bath or shower,being pampered,or sitting down to watch tv with a glass or whatever it is you like to drink and do nothing,you need to be able to find some time to have some 'Me' time. You are important.

8) Be Grateful!

I thought this was a great idea when I read it. Grab a jar and put it on your table and write on a piece of paper just one thing in which you are grateful for and put it in. At the end of the month read everything you have written down and you never know,maybe January may not be so bad? Who knows.

I am currently writing this at 2.44am UK time. I am not tired and I am listening to some music. After this blog I am planning on writing another quick one then watching the Mummy before bed. I don't have to do anything untul Midday tomorrow and as I said, I am not tired. The Mummy does not scare me anymore,not like it did when I first watched it with my mum so I won't get nightmares and besides,Arnold Vosloo who plays Imhotep is pretty damn hot as a 3000 year old Mummy!.

Music can usually help me take my mind off things that may be happening ot how I am feeling. It has helped me concentrate while writing. But I am bringing this blog post to an end now. I hope that 2019 brings you goodwill,happiness and joy and are successful in what you do. Live your dreams,make them a reality! You are important. x
