Things I Wish I'd Known Back When I Was Younger

I am going to be 30 years old in 3 months and 4 days time and I am not looking forward to it. So to celebrate me turning 30 I am going to make a list of things that I wish I had found out about myself - and life/things in general - a long time ago when I was considerably younger.

As a child I was bright (according to some teachers) but could have put the effort in a lot more. (again,according to some teachers) But I reckon now, the teachers were so right. I could have done a lot more with my education. Including being bothered about it more and actually going to school a lot more instead of taking time off for one reason or another. Anyhow this blog isn't really about my teachers. It's about me :) goes!

I Wish I Had Known That...

1) Life would be a hell of a lot harder than it appears to be. Life isn't meant to be easy and I wish I had definitely known that I would face a long battle with my mind/mental state. I also wish I'd known that something good would be happening later down the line so I wouldn't have tried giving up when I did those times - Something good would be happening to me so I'm glad I didn't succeed.

2) Making it on your own out in the big wide world is a lot scarier than you think it will be - until you get used to it

3) You can be whoever you want to be. You'll get people judging you for who and what you are and the lifestyle choices you make or who you realise you are as a person but it's your life NOT theirs!

4) You shouldn't be afraid to ask. Don't be afraid of asking! The worst someone can say is no.

5) When you get your first real paid job you'll have to stand up for hours on end so your back and feet will hurt even more.

6) Being in a relationship isn't mandatory in life. You do not need the love of a man/woman to make a good life for yourself

7) To make it into Uni you need the right grades - you can't apply for your chosen courses if you don't have the right grades.

8) You should NEVER give agencies money up front - no matter how much it is. 25 quid isn't a lot but still...(I signed up for an agent for acting and I was pretty much ripped off)

I might or might not add to this list over time, it depends if I can think of anything more

Goodnight :)
