Winning And Losing Repost

This was originally posted to another one of my blogs which I have now deleted but have posted this one to my main blog as a repost. I have also slightly tweaked this

Hello everyone. I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I had better get on line and make one while I am waiting for the results of Eurovision to come on...which is some considerable time.

I can't stop smiling. There are a couple of reasons why. Even though I have just received a massive static shock from my laptop I am still grinning from ear to ear.

Since I last blogged (March I think) I managed to buy myself an exercise bike from Amazon. Within 3 days one of the straps from the foot pedal broke so I had to order another pedal then a few weeks later the other one went so I had to get a replacement for that one. But I am loving using it. It is the best purchase I have made and it is helping me to get fitter. Today I burned 425 calories in just over 40 minutes and that is without getting off as I normally have to get off it before I burn 300. I am still very happy using the gym at RIO (Rotherham Institute of Obesity) and that is mainly because of our instructor,Luke. He's always smiling,very caring,always asking how you are and how your week has been. He is very friendly,very relaxed and is always there for you. Even if your struggling he will always encourage you and never rushes you. He always says to me that I'm doing very well which makes me want to push myself on further. I wish there were more people like Luke in the world....

I have also found myself a wonderful boyfriend. I have not had any real happiness for a long time and Stephen is a very lovely man. I just hope it lasts this time....

Now my blog post is called winning and losing. Here is the 'Losing' part.

I am happy to say that I will not need to have gastric surgery for the time being. The reason is because I am losing weight naturally by myself now (That is where the 'losing' part comes in) I am on slimming tablets given to me by my lovely doctor. When I had a weigh in at RIO just over a month ago I weighed 17st1. I suffer from depression on and off and sometimes it can be really bad. Recently, I was struggling to motivate myself and to get out of the depression. I was putting weight on not caring what I ate. I have to reach targets at RIO so I knew I had to do something. I feel a lot better now I am back out of depression and I found out at my most recent weigh in that I had lost 4 pounds and I am still losing the weight which I am now weighing 16st11. I had bought myself weighing scales as well so now I have no excuse not to weigh myself. I am gaining more confidence everyday. I am determined to get to 16st before my 26th birthday in July and I will focus on my goal to get fitter,thinner and become a new me.

I have always struggled with depression and other mental health problems which sometimes leaves me struggling with my emotions.
I won't go into it today but one day I shall be brave enough to share my experiences of mental health in a new blog. Whenever I feel upset or down I always try to make myself feel better by singing my favourite song at the moment which is Alexandra Burke/Bruno Mars' 'Perfect'. Life makes me realise that no one is perfect - not even me. Life can be tough and believe me, I have had my fair share of tough.
I have also come to realise that in order to get better properly and win my ongoing battle (Here comes the bit where I'm winning) I need to get rid of the 'rubbish' in my life. So called friends,fella's who are only talking to me to get one thing from me,etc. I need to concentrate on looking after no.1 for the moment and continue with the gym,continue seeing my nan every week. She always makes me laugh and makes me feel better about things.  (I love my nan - Nan's always know best) I also need to look for something to do which I enjoy other than gym like singing or acting or writing. Ten pin bowling is what I love doing so one day soon I may just go. Just not on my own LOL. I will one day come out of this smiling.
I may not have won my war just yet but I WILL defeat my demons and break free from my struggles and the things/people holding me back...AND WIN THIS!

So sometimes I have to go and see someone at RIO who is a talking therapist - I go to see him regarding food - it's not really about mental health which is what I would normally associate a Talking Therapist with. When I first met him I was struggling to open up to him as most of my food issues are linked to my emotional problems and I felt relieved when I finally did open up. I know now that I was feeling guilty and taking the burden for things that was out of my control and was not my fault. He gave me a 'tapping' exercise to do which has worked so farI am hoping that when I next go to see him I shall have something good to tell him as my last session didn't go that well. That was when I was back in depression. Maybe I could do a video in regards to depression. Oh yeah...Youtube :) I have recently uploaded a few videos to my YT channel. There are a few of me on there singing. I posted one or two a few years back but deleted them due to me not being very confident and I was rather - I shall admit this - fat. And I thought I was rather horrible to look at so I took them down. So I decided to upload a video of me singing a cover of Duffy's Warwick Avenue. I got so many views in the first day plus I had 3 likes,0 dislikes and a few comments on there. If you would like to check my youtube channel out you can at,com/EmmaWilkinson1

Well, I think that is all I can possibly tell you. I will be back in a week or so with my blog on my experiences with mental health - If I feel brave enough to post it. I'm off to watch Eurovision now...and do a review of an album that I like which I shall blog about later and possibly YT it too

Laters ;)
