The First And Last Time I...New Version

The First Time I...Tag Questions

I have already done a smaller and similar blog to this one previously but this one has more questions and more detail!
Ilike finding out things about people,especially people in the public eye. And because I write blogs I like my followers to know things about me too. So one day when I was bored I decided to write another new blog but was stuck for ideas. Then I found this on the internet and thought I could have a go at filling it out as I like to do these kind of things. They are fun to do. So here goes...

First app you check when you wake up in the morning? Facebook or messenger
First broken bone? Never broken any thankfully.
First foreign country you ever visited? I have never visited any
First Instagram, twitter or Facebook post? I can't actually remember what they were. I have been on twitter 10 years,Facebook at least 10 and my first instagram picture I think I deleted a while back.
First make-up item? a make up set my cousin bought me when I was a kid. Mum would not let me use most of it.
First plane ride you ever went on? I have never been on a plane
First time I ever got into trouble at home and school? At home it was for flicking paint everywhere on purpose - I was three. At school I can't remember what it was but it got me a detention. I do remember when I first got in to trouble at Playgroup. I swore at my teachers and it was bad enough to get me suspended.
First time you were allowed to put on make-up? When I was 6 Mum bought me some cheap lip gloss but I wore proper make up probably around the age of 13 - nail varnish,lipstick,things like that.
First time you went shopping on your own? I was around 15 and it was in Barnsley.
My first Celebrity crush? Lee from Steps I was 10 years old.
My first cooking experience? I was around 6 and I made some buns with help from my nan and I gave one to my teacher Mrs Schofield.
My first ever cell phone? My cousin gave me her old Nokia 3310 I was so pleased but scared that I might break it that I spent 5 minutes just staring at it.
My first ever kiss? It was with someone who I classed as my boyfriend,who I met at school. I didn't kiss him until after I had left school and it wasn't even a proper kiss. It turned out he wasn't really into me and I later found out why he wasn't into me and it wasn't because of my looks.
My first fear? Needles. I can handle needles now a lot better than when I was younger.
My first friend in college? It was a fellow called Ian. He was lovely. He still is.
My first piercing and when did I get it? My ears and I was seven. I screamed my head off and refused to have the other one done. I did have it done though.
My first swear word? I can't remember the actual words but it was bad enough to get me suspended from nursery aged 4.
My first thought today? Whaat am I doing today?
My first time on a train? Aged 7 with my mum. We were going down south to meet my (step) dad
The first person I talked to today? Dad
The first person that ever broke my heart? Hannah. She was my second partner.
The first text I sent today? a text to Dad confirming the time we were meeting up.
The first thing I do every morning? Check my phone
The first thing I do when I get home? Pick up any post then Turn the telly on.
The first time you ever got drunk? The first time I ever got drunk was in Rotherham where I drank a whole cheap bottle of wine and ended up on the floor. Then a couple of months ago. I woke up in a state of undress and I cannot remember everything I did. Only parts. The second time was a couple of weeks back and unfortunately resulted in vomiting everywhere and blowing up my iPod so I had to buy a new one from the CEX shop
The first wedding I attended? Apparently I went to my cousins wedding a long time ago but I do not recall it. The only one I remember going to is my mums in 1999 she was marrying my (step) dad
When did you go to your first party? My friend Lisa's birthday. I think I was 5 at the time
When did you have your first sleepover? At a friend's house. I was 12 years old.
First time I got a speeding ticket? Never because I do not drive

The Last Time I...
When was the last time you said no? Probably Friday when the doctor asked me a question and I replied with no.
When was the last time you hurt yourself? A few days ago when I went for one of my night time walks and almost did my ankle in a pothole!
When was the last time you thought to yourself, ‘never again’? Sunday night when I went to watch the Christmas light switch on. There must have been 500 people there all trying to get in, too much shoving and pushing and my anxiety started playing up once I saw the crowd. I should never have gone.
When was the last time you felt on top of the world? When I lost a stone in just over a week after I got sciatica last year. Not a good reason but I was elated and so pleased.
When was the last time you tidied your room / your desk? Last week
When was the last time someone shouted at you? A very long time ago. Maybe a couple of years back.
When was the last time you had a problem with your computer? When my disk drive broke I still haven't got it fixed yet.
When was the last time you had a perfect day? My last perfect day was when I last met Darren,my bowling bud.
When was the last time you said sorry? I say it often even when I don't actually need to. Probably to Dad on the phone a couple of nights back.
When was the last time you bumped into an old friend? in 2017 in Doncaster.
When was the last time you went shopping? Friday evening
When was the last time you travel by train? 2009 and I don't like the train at all. But I had to because at the time it was the only way I could have got home.
What was the last thing you ate? A couple of sugar free cola sherberts
What was the last film or TV show you watched? Miami 7
What was the last song you heard? Too Late For Love by John Lundvik.
When was the last time you went on a date? July 2019 with a guy called Mark
When was the last time you had a party? When I was 14. It wasn't that great. Only ten people came.
When was the last time you argued with your parents? A long long time ago. More than 6 years ago.
When was the last time you had your hair cut? July 2019 when I was in Yorkshire
When was the last time you lost money? It wasn't a substantial amount but I lost a few quid on the fruit machine last year.
When was the last time you painted your house? I started in August 2018, and I have failed to finish it. There is a pink square behind my bed. I have been meaning to do my bathroom.
When was the last time you screamed because you were scared? I can't remember the last time I screamed because I was scared.
When was the last time you wanted to forget about the world? Every day. I cannot remember a time when I didn't want to forget.
When was the last time you borrowed a book? 2010. I get all mine from Amazon now
When was the last time you bought a CD? Last Tuesday when I bought Now 104
When was the last time you danced? A few nights ago in my bedroom
When was the last time you dialed the wrong number? A long time ago...Years.
When was the last time you drank coffee? at least 7 years ago. I don't drink it very much at all.
When was the last time you drove for more than two hours? I don't drive.
When was the last time you dyed your hair? The middle of the year I think. I tried dying it Mystic Violet but It just tinted my hair, it didn't actually go purple.
When was the last time you fell? I don't remember the last time. It was a very long time ago.
When was the last time you felt really happy? July when I came back to Barnsley for a visit. I went to Doncaster and Rotherhm.
When was the last time you forgot where something important was?  Some paperwork and an appointment letter but I found them
When was the last time you got a gift? A Christmas present back in December from my good friend Tony.
When was the last time you had a headache? A couple of nights ago.
When was the last time you had a nightmare? A few weeks back. It was horrible.
When was the last time you laughed your head off? A couple of days back at something Dad did
When was the last time you lent money to someone? A few weeks ago to my sister
When was the last time you played a sport?  2010 I played Rounders.
When was the last time you saw a very interesting movie? I last watched The Mummy. I watch it a lot and I always find it interesting even after 20 years.
When was the last time you studied until late at night? It was probably when I was still at school. Around 16 years ago or so.
When was the last time you swam? Never as I cannot swim
When was the last time you talked to an old friend? Today on messenger.
When was the last time you told a joke? A few days ago to Dad I can't tell you what it is because it is really rude.
When was the last time you took a day off? Every day as I am not able to work right now
When was the last time you took a very hot and long shower? a couple of days ago
When was the last time you visited your hometown? July. It was nice to be back for a visit.
When was the last time you went to a good restaurant? I went to the Harvester a few weeks back, they are really good as I love their salad bar. I went to the Hungry Horse a few days back.
When was the last time you wrote a letter? A couple of weeks ago with an SAE included to some of the Emmerdale,Eastenders,Corrie and Hollyoaks cast. Still awaiting a reply though.
