Another Year Older - Birthday Blog!

Hi everyone! I hope you're well.
So yesterday I became another year older. Yes. It was my birthday and I turned 31. Like, how have I managed that? This time last year I was in a bad place and I really didn't think I would make it past the end of 2019, but it's now 2020 and I am still here. So I must have done something right! I still have wobbles more often that not and I am currently undertaking CBT sessions. I also watch DVDs or listen to music every night, it does usually take my mind off things especially if my tablets stop working (which only really lasts a day or so then they start working again) I have just realised I haven't posted a single thing to my YouTube account for five years. The last video I did was a Merlin fan video. So I really need to get new content up there. But I don't know what to put out. I was thinking maybe doing some sort of challenge video, like only eating a certain coloured food for 24 hours or reviewing something. Maybe another sining video - who knows. I am so indecisive!

So this is what I did today. I woke up and opened my birthday cards. I recieved a cheque from a family member so that was a nice present. I went out with my Dad to the Harvester for lunch. I had these mini pork riblet things which are new to the menu and they had some strange sauce thing on them I cannot remember the name of it. They were nice though and will definitely have them again next time. It felt really strange not being allowed to go to the self service drinks and salad bar myself.  I had gammon,egg,peas and chips with mushrooms (They included a tomato but I really cannot eat grilled tomatoes) and then finally a Rocky horror sundae. Dad had a Strawberry sundae best and it melted so some of it ended up dripping out onto the table. Lunch was just...Beautiful! Then we took a trip to Asda to do the shopping but I also bought myself a new pair of white shorts which I had wanted for a while and a new top. I have to stop buying tops because I must have about 70 tops at home!
Unfortunately some impatient prick decided that he didn't want to wait until I moved Dads wheelchair out of the way or closing the door before trying to almost ram himself into the space to park his car and he was so close to hitting me with the car - I got quite annoyed. After ASDA we had a drive to McDs for a drink and went back to Dads - I have been at Dads ever since. I know I didn't really do much but I still had a good birthday and enjoyed my day.

I stay over Dads once a fortnight. He knows that at the end of the year I am applying for housing back in Yorkshire. I am worried about leaving him again but he keeps saying he'll be fine and that the sheets will probably still be on the bed when I come back to visit (Ugh - thanks!) He was joking though. I struggle because of my back but I manage to do a little bit of housework for him.
I am looking forward to Friday. I am seeing my best friend. We are planning a picnic and short shopping trip. I have not seen her since February. I might also go to Reading if I can on Monday. I know some shops are still closed though but the ones I want are open which is good. I have my face mask.
I also got myself a couple of new facemasks and two new eyeshadow palettes and a shattered glass lipstain. I tested them today and posted a pic to Instagram (If you would like to follow me or check out my posts you can at emmalouwilkinson)
Well, that is all for now.  I will blog again soon. Til' then take care xx


  1. Hi Emma, i think you could do really great reviews on some of your favourite TV shows suvh as On The Buses etc.

    1. Hi Mark thanks for your comment. I have thought about doing reviews on stuff such as my favourite TV shows or my favourite song. I will keep your suggestion noted :)

  2. All of your writing are damn amazing here


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