New Year Has Arrived. And Thank God The Old One Is Over! My Highs and Lows of Last Year!

Hey everyone! I would like to start off this blog post by saying Happy New Year!!!

Well, it's that time of year again. All the Christmas stuff will be coming down, everything put away until the end of the year again. I, like millions of other people, am not sorry to see the back of 2020. I am glad it's over and done with and hopefully 2021 will be a fantastic year, filled with love,joy,success and happiness - we ALL deserve it after the year we have had!

My year was filled with a number of ups and downs, especially with the first lockdown. It really impacted on my mental health. I was told that the macular edema in my left eye is actually now too dangerous to treat and cannot do anything for it, but could take around 5 years to get better. Then In May I won my tribunal after losing my appeal for PIP. In July I celebrated my 31st birthday. In August my world took a complete nosedive. Firstly, I got a nice little shock when I found out I was 'pregnant' - only I wasn't. It was a false positive. I have heard that this does happen but very rarely. I was quite upset at that. The hospital confirmed it was a false and I was not pregnant. Then the following week I found out that someone I knew - or thought I knew - started a prison sentence for a very serious offence. Disgusted isn't the word. I started struggling with the big black clouds and low moods again and in October I was put on Fluoxitine which are slowly having an effect.  I have recently started a Clinical structual Management treatment programme for my mental health - which is going very well Before Christmas I managed to lose 11 pounds in weight but have now gained half of it back - well it WAS Christmas after all. Time to lose it again now. There is nothing physio can do now either as nothing works, my back is still causing me problems. I did manage to create some poems, one of which I uploaded to here (disclaimer - explicit, not suitable for children)  I also love the fact that someone commented on it telling me it was a wonderful blog. They obviously love swearing  :) 

I have made my resolutions again. I probably won't stick to them but I will try to. The only one I ever seem to stick to is laugh out loud every single day. Speaking of laughing out loud...I will leave you with this! 

My support bubble came over for Christmas day. We were playing a music game and Dad comes out with 'Who sang with Nelly on the hit song 'Diahorrea' - he misread the question! then the next question he asked was 'Little Mix won the X Factor in what year 2011? Erm you just gave the answer away you plonk! So we ended up having quite a laugh. I bought Dad a rude mug for Christmas - his face! I wasn't sure whether he was happy or baffled but he seemed to like it. Did anyone recieve the Lynx Marmite set? I bought it Dad - my sister said it's disguting but I couldn't actually smell it. 

So...that was my 2020 summed up... I hope that you enjoy the New Year whatever it is you are doing.

Stay safe

