The First/Last Time I... (Updated)


Hello everyone. It has been a good few months since I last blogged. I have another blog planned for the end of April which I am hoping to post a milestone and some news plus a special song list that I have been working on since January

I haven't really been up to anything exciting but here is a quick update of what I have done since New Year. I am now on the housing register for two areas in Yorkshire and yesterday I got a phone call from pain management. They want to see me face to face and do an examination. They said that it should have got better within 18 months and it sounds like a muscle thing but my back has been really bad for over two years now and was starting to hurt even before I injured it. But at least I should get a proper answer. Oh yeah and I applied for Tipping Point :)  Haven't heard anything yet though....

I have redone this blog from one of my first earlier blogs and updated it a bit. Here goes....


Had a party - It was a rather small one. And only three people were there including myself. I was 4 years old. My mum had taken me to my nan's house after school and on the kitchen table was a lot of party food and a birthday cake. They had decided to lay on a spread for me which I was so happy about. Even if the only people there was me,my Mum and Nan.

Went to school - I went to mainstream school aged 5. I didn't cry,I just went straight in there. I was very good most of the time but some of the time I could be rather cheeky and mischievous. 

Had an operation - I was 2 years old. It was a small operation. I had my tongue snipped as I had a bad lisp :)

Went to a party - I think I was around 5 or 6. i went to one of my neighbour's kids party. I remember that one of the songs was Y.M.C.A,That there was a bouncy castle and that I had to go home after a couple of hours after eating too much and was rather ill. And yes I wanted to go back after.

Liked a TV show which I found funny- I really enjoyed Only Fools and Horses,Birds Of A Feather and Keeping Up Appearances when I was younger. Those are programmes which are some of the earliest ones I can remember watching with my mum and laughing at.

Attended a school Disco - I was in year 8 and I was 12 at the time. I cried when Angels came on as it reminded me of someone. 

Wore make up - I was in my teenage years when I first wore proper make up. I had a blue eye shadow which Nan bought me when I was around 13 years old. 

Bought a CD - It was at a carboot sale :) I remember which one it was too,Christina Aguilera Genie In A Bottle. 

Drank/smoked - I can't believe I am admitting this but I was 13. For both of those. 

Kissed a guy - 16 years old. No one took any notice of me until then.

Started living alone - 18 years old and it was rather daunting at first but I soon got used to it. 

Bought an instrument or learned to play one - I tried to learn to play the recorder when I was 7 and my Mum bought me one. But I bought my first instrument aged 16 and it was a guitar. I couldn't play it and even with 2 guitars now, I still can't. 

Attended a wedding - Apparently it was my cousin Robert's but I can't remember it :(

Cried while watching a film - That was probably Mrs Doubtfire. I still do now at the end. Same as any film I watch really. 

Injured or hurt myself - The earliest memories of me hurting myself was aged 3. I fell over in the street cutting my hands and knees and then bashing my face in to Nan's washer and came home with a great black eye. 

Got into trouble with my parents - Aged 3 and I gave my Mum's living room a makeover by flicking paint everywhere (Sorry Mum!)

Got a piercing or tattoo - Aged 7 and it was my ears. I will never have a tattoo though. 

Had a celeb crush (As a child and adult) - When I was little my first celeb crushes were Faye and Lee from Steps,Declan Donnelly and some of my first celeb crushes as an adult were David Walliams,Kellie Bright,Jason Done,William Ash and Kristian Schmid. 

Attempted an accent - I was in my late teens when I could be bothered to attempt to do an accent and the first one I tried was Northern Irish.

Used social media - I was 16 and had just left school. It was Faceparty. I used Facebook for the first time in 2007. 

Did something illegal - Smoked,drank and I did something aged 11 which I am ashamed of. Which I don't want to put. 

Had a pet - Aged 3 or 4 and It was a tabby cat called Smokey. I miss her but I had 10 more after her :)


Had alcohol - A few weeks ago, in my bedroom. Vodka and fizzy pop

Listened to Music - I usually always listen to music. I have just heard Let's Work It Out by Texas. The song that is on now is Promise The Earth by the Bee Gees

Bought a CD/DVD - Off The Rak by Mud from Amazon (CD) which arrived a couple of days ago. Never Too Young To Rock from Amazon (DVD) which arrived a couple of months ago

Watched TV - Hollyoaks a few days ago

Bought something and didn't like it - I cannot remember, it was a while since I bought anything I didn't like

Went to a party - I was 21. Charlotte's birthday bbq party which I loved.

Embarrased or hurt myself - because of a back injury, my lower back constantly hurts. Again, I cannot remember the last time I embarrased myself

Used social media - Facebook and Instagram a couple of hours ago. 

Laughed out loud - Watching Lee Evans on DVD a couple of nights back, his performance of Bohemian Rhapsody is just brilliant! 

Had a celeb crush - Meghan Trainor/Michael Stevenson

Attempted an accent - Yesterday, Liverpuddlian :)

Went on Holiday outside of England or the UK - Wales 2011 

Told someone I loved them - A couple of friends

Bought something for someone other than myself - Shopping for Dad and a surprise DVD for a good friend

Wrote a song/story - I wrote a song a couple of months ago

Went to College or School - School 2005. College 2010

Had a dream - Two nights ago but it was quite vivid and a bit strange. 

Was annoyed - Today in ASDA when some idiot went through the NO EXIT door. Big massive sign on the door, totally ignored it! Ididot!!!
