Moving,Falling,Steps and greys! - Merry Christmas

Hi everyone and Merry Christmas! New blog post alert. 

Here is what I have been doing since August.

On the 25th August I finally moved from Berkshire to Barnsley. With a lot of help from my good friend 'M' - Without him I could never have managed properly as he did an awful lot for me. I repaid him by taking him out for dinner a number of times and buying him stuff. I felt so proud of myself when I was able to afford a brand new cooker,fridge freezer and washing machine on my own without any financial help from anyone. Not even from charity shops - although I did buy some cheap furniture from the charity shop, I will admit that.  

My new doctors are brilliant and have helped me with pretty much everything I have requested. I am hoping to join the Barnsley recovery college in January. It is a place that do short courses and help people who have mental health problems. They even have their own gym which will be useful. I have also been refered to a couple of other places. I have started a weight loss programme which is going well. I see a health and wellbeing coach. Losing weight slow and steady but a loss is a loss - Since October I have shedded 1st2lb. I had a few rocky days but who doesn't when trying to lose weight? And it is Christmas so I have not been eating as healthy as I would like. Back to it after Christmas.

On Tuesday 2nd November I went to see my favourite group Steps perform live at Sheffield Utilita arena - but I was worried it wasn't going to happen and here's why.  On the Saturday before,I took a nasty tumble off the side of the kerb opposite my flat and scraped my knee and grazed my hand. I was unable to get myself up but some lovely people stopped to help. Then I made the big mistake of looking at my hand - and I fainted. An ambulance was called but they cleaned me up at home as I didn't want to go to hospital. I still have a couple of marks on my knee,hand and at the side of my finger. 

A few weeks back I found my first real grey hair. So I am officially getting OLD. I am not ready to face that fact yet so the hair dye will be coming out..... Oh yes and I finished off the year by finding myself in a relationship. Hooray :) I am happy and never been happier. We have met a number of times yet known each other for seven years. I cannot wait for New Years Eve!

So....I would just like to finish off this blog by saying Merry Christmas and a very happy new year,may all your dreams come true. x
